Kid President

SoulPancake is probably one of my favorite internet creations. They bring you all kinds of heartwarming, entertaining, intellectual, hilarious, and thought-provoking stories, mostly through videos. My favorite person on SoulPancake is most definitely...

 Kid President, brought to viral fame a short while ago with this awesome pep-talk:

Every time I watch a Kid Pres video, I think of the potential the third-graders I teach hold.

Cuba posts will be up soon :-)

P.S. Another wonderful series on SoulPancake: Stories from the Street. Many expect that being in a city like New York (with a shockingly high number of homeless folk) leads to more potential for crime; on the contrary, many such as myself find it reminds us that most of them are simply other people struggling to make it. You can find Stories from the Street (typically 1-2 minute clips) here.


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