Life lately

have a confession (is it a confession when everybody knows this about me already?): I absolutely love snow. Taking walks during a storm, crunching through piles on the sidewalk, making snowpeople, almost getting bowled over by runaway sleds on 91st Street - I love every bit of it. So I have been kinda super jealous of all the snow Boston has been getting, which I'm sure most people who have been in Boston for the last month would like to smack me upside the head for saying. 

So I was very pleased to look out the window on Sunday and see that we were finally getting some real snow! I was home for most of the day, but I enjoyed the view as I worked. 

Life is good in this very slushy city. I taught my first solo lesson today at student teaching! It went really well, and my coordinating teacher gives amazingly helpful feedback. Over time, I'll transition into teaching a few lessons a week, and next semester, I'll take over an entire section for several months at a different school. 

I'm looking forward to lots of visitors this month. First, Adriana will come up from Yale for a Ben & Jerry's and Gilmore Girls-filled sleepover on our one overlapping spring break weekend. Then, my family will visit the same weekend that part of Andrey's family moves to Connecticut - we're both so excited to meet his adorable baby nephew! 

After that, just six weeks are left in the semester. I love my student teaching placement and am definitely not looking forward to switching, but it's got to happen. Their last several hires were former NYU student teachers, so my fingers are crossed! 

But enough of the future - some recent pictures:

The view from my workspace:

FaceTiming with Whisper 

The frozen Hudson: 

A kindergarten letter:

One of the many frozen chunks of leaves that occasionally fall, scaring the crap out of unsuspecting people and dogs:

Have a great week!


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