And they actually went relatively well! I managed a solid four hours of sleep or more each night and no all-nighters, which is far healthier than usual. I've got two proposals for final essays due next week, but it shouldn't be too heavy of a workload. Now that midterms are out of the way, I'll be making up for all the things I didn't do last week! This Thursday, I'll be going on a walking tour of all the
Harry Potter filming locations in London (it is one of those fabulous "cultural experience programming" events), I'm finally going to have time to go out with friends on Saturday,
and my mom is arriving Sunday!
Here are some pictures from the last two weeks, as I've been a bit behind on both exploring and blogging due to midterms...
Many London lamp posts are works of art |
This troupe of Ghanian acrobats is so talented I stayed for three shows! |
After a long day of half-hearted project work last Saturday, two friends stopped by my flat and we spontaneously decided to make a night of it. We baked a chocolate cake, had a little wine and watched Mean Girls for the billionth time. It was fantastic!
A short Instagram video of the gorgeous view from the Bridge
Also, a quick note for people on my email list: unfortunately, it's impossible to make the embedded videos viewable in the email, so you might want to head over to the blog itself if you're interested in watching those (besides, I usually edit and add to posts quite a bit after publishing them, so the site is generally better quality than the emails!).
Coming soon: a post on last week's particularly outstanding Seeing London's Architecture walk.
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