Welcome Week

NYU freshmen have no classes until next week so that we may take part in Welcome Week, which is a compilation of different events revolving around having fun, meeting people, exploring the campus (aka Manhattan), et cetera.

So far, I have....

...Gone to an excellent a cappella show, featuring the flawless N-Harmonics. (Seriously, watch the whole thing!)

...Gone to Rocky Horror with my lovely roommate!

...Seen a midnight rooftop movie (again, with said lovely roommate):

...Went to a crazy-fun adult gymnastics class at this awesome gym (bonus: getting to explore the gorgeous Chelsea Piers!):

...Explored the crazy-awesome NYU gym, which everything I ever dreamed of in a gym. But really. I'm going there after I post this!

Classes start Tuesday - very exciting!

That's all for now, folks!


  1. OMG that gym looks incredible! I assume that's the gymnastics place and not the NYU gym, right?

    1. That's the gymnastics place, yes!! Although the NYU Gym @ Palladium is pretty snazzy itself :D


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