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Home Sweet Home

Illustration by Mari Andrew Aaand we're in the house! It took many long days, car trips, phone calls, and gallons of paint, but we're finally in. It's bittersweet leaving Portland. It's been a wonderful home for the last two years! But we're in love with the house, and Portland is always nearby if I miss it too much. Meanwhile, at the house... boxes, boxes everywhere! Both of us are busy at work - Andrey just started working at a new client, and my school added extra hours to make up for snow days, so we haven't done much unpacking yet. I'll post more pictures when there's more to show, but for now, here's a bit from the last few weeks... The satisfaction of peeling up painter's tape... we're both loving the neutral walls (much better than the old bright yellow, which you can see in the last post): We love the spiral staircase... the movers did not:  Celebrated the first weekend of spring by repotting and setting up our favor...

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